Quick Start Guide


bin/ Place to install all runtime required files, including executables, shared objects, modules, fonts, and configurations.
ga/ Source codes for GamingAnywhere core, modules, servers, and client.
deps.posix/ Dependencies for POSIX platforms, including libraries and headers (by default empty, files are built from sources in 'deps.src').
deps.win32/ Dependencies for Win32 platform, including libraries and headers (by default empty, files are installed from packages in 'deps.pkgs.win32').
deps.src/ Source files of dependencies. You will need these files to build dependencies, which is mandatory for POSIX-like platforms (Linux and Mac OS X).
deps.pkgs.win32/ Pre-built dependencies for Win32 platform. You can install all the dependencies for Win32 by running the "install.cmd" command in this directory (by default installed into 'deps.win32' directory).

HOW TO BUILD on supported POSIX platforms (Linux and Mac OS X)


- GNU C++ compiler
- pkg-config
- libX11, libXext, libXtst, libfreetype6, libgl1-mesa, libglu1-mesa, libpulse, libasound2 (both binaries and development files)


  1. Edit the 'env-setup' script to ensure that GADEPS points to a correct directory. It should be an absolute path to gaminganywhere/deps.posix directory.
  2. Merge environment variables from 'env-setup' by using '.' or 'source' command.
  3. Build dependencies by running 'make' in the 'deps.src' directory.
  4. Build GA by running 'make all' command in the 'ga' directory.
  5. Install GA by running 'make install' command in the 'ga' directory. All the generated files will be installed into 'bin' directory.

HOW TO BUILD on Win32 platform


- Visual Studio (C++) 2010 (we did not test it with other versions)
- DirectX SDK (we use the version released in June, 2010)
- Microsoft SDK (we have version 7.0 installed on Windows 7, it may be installed with VS 2010)


  1. Install dependencies by running 'install.cmd' in 'deps.pkgs.win32' directory.
  2. Install DirectX SDK into 'C:\Microsoft DirectX SDK'. If you install in other places, modify the SDK paths used in ga/module/vsource-desktop/NMakefile.d3d, and ga/server/event-driven/NMakefile (if applicable).
  3. Open Visual C++ command line prompt
  4. Build GA by running 'nmake /f NMakefile all' command in the 'ga' directory.
  5. Install GA by running 'nmake /f NMakefile install' command in the 'ga' directory. All the generated files will be installed into 'bin' directory.



  • On Linux, you have to add 'deps.posix/lib' into system-wide ld.so search path. In addition, you have to modify 'bin/config/common/server-common.conf' and at least ensure that 'display' is set to an accessible X-Window desktop with XTEST extension enabled. The X-Window desktop can be a VNC or Xvfb desktop.
  • On Windows, you have to place 'deps.win32/bin/*.dll' into system-wide DLL search path, or into the same directory of GA's executables, e.g., the 'bin' directory.
  • Note that we have pre-installed all the required files in the 'bin' directory now.

Run GA server in periodic (desktop capturing) mode

     $ ga-server-periodic {config}
     e.g., $ ga-server config/server.x264+mp3.conf

The ga-server-periodic will stream the entire desktop to a client. If you plan to streaming only a (game) window, you can add the options:

1) find-window-name = [window name], or
2) find-window-class = [window class]

into the configuration file. The ga-server-periodic will attempt to find the specified window, move the window to top-left corner of the desktop, and capture only the client area of the specified window.

Run GA server in event-driven (game hooking) mode

     $ ga-server-event-driven {config}
     e.g., $ ga-server-event-driven config/d3dex.conf

The ga-server-event-driven will load the (game) application specified in the configuration file. The application is specified by using the "game-dir" (optional) and the "game-exe" (mandatory) options. Therefore, a game should have its own dedicated configuration file.

Run GA client

     $ ga-client {config} rtsp://server-address:server-port/desktop
     e.g., $ ga-client config/client.rel.conf rtsp://

We have two default configurations for the client, both running with H.264 decoder and mp3 decoder:

a) client.abs.conf - work with absolute position mouse pointer.
b) client.rel.conf - work with relative position mouse pointer.

Please note that you should prevent your firewall from filtering network ports used by GA. By default, GA uses TCP port 8554 for RTSP and TCP/UDP port 8555 for controller.